>>>>> Dave Korn writes:

    > On 20 February 2006 10:02, Dr. Volker Zell wrote:
    >> By the way if this gets all the needed votes, the package is GTG. Nothing
    >> to build but packaging looks good.

    >   Hmm, I had to install cygbuild before I could build it from source, 
    > seems a bit OTT just for installing a shell script!  And I get this error
    > which I think means it can't set DESTDIR right, so the install doesn't 

    > [EMAIL PROTECTED] /artimi/cyg-test-gt5/test> ./gt5-1.3-1.sh -v install
    > -- Cygbuild 2006-02-17 1.832 http://cygbuild.sourceforge.net/
    > -- [INFO] Clearing environment flags that may interfere compiling
    > -- Install command
    > --   Emptying /artimi/cyg-test-gt5/test/gt5-1.3/.inst
    > --   Installing docs to
    > /artimi/cyg-test-gt5/test/gt5-1.3/.inst/usr/share/doc/gt
    > 5-1.3
    > --   Running install to /artimi/cyg-test-gt5/test/gt5-1.3/.inst
    > --   Running 'make install' (or equiv.) in
    > /artimi/cyg-test-gt5/test/gt5-1.3/.bu
    > ild/build
    > Undefined subroutine &main::SetDebug called at -e line 1.
    > DESTDIR         =
    > MANDIR1         = $(DESTDIR)$(man_prefix)/man/man1
    > BINDIR          = $(DESTDIR)$(exec_prefix)/bin
    > SBINDIR         = $(DESTDIR)$(exec_prefix)/sbin
    > ETCDIR          = $(DESTDIR)$/etc/$PACKAGE
    > SHAREDIR        = $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/$(PACKAGE)
    > LIBDIR          = $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/lib/$(PACKAGE)
    > /usr/bin/install -m 755 -d /artimi/cyg-test-gt5/test/gt5-1.3/.inst/usr/bin
    > /usr/bin/install -m 755    gt5 
    > /usr/bin/install -m 755 -d
    > /artimi/cyg-test-gt5/test/gt5-1.3/.inst/usr/share/man
    > /man1
    > /usr/bin/install -m 644 *.1
    > /artimi/cyg-test-gt5/test/gt5-1.3/.inst/usr/share/ma
    > n/man1
    > --   Compressing manual pages
    > --   Content of: /artimi/cyg-test-gt5/test/gt5-1.3/.inst
    > gt5-1.3/.inst
    > gt5-1.3/.inst/usr
    > gt5-1.3/.inst/usr/bin
    > gt5-1.3/.inst/usr/bin/gt5
    > gt5-1.3/.inst/usr/share
    > gt5-1.3/.inst/usr/share/doc
    > gt5-1.3/.inst/usr/share/doc/Cygwin
    > gt5-1.3/.inst/usr/share/doc/Cygwin/gt5-1.3.README
    > gt5-1.3/.inst/usr/share/doc/gt5-1.3
    > gt5-1.3/.inst/usr/share/doc/gt5-1.3/ChangeLog
    > gt5-1.3/.inst/usr/share/doc/gt5-1.3/INSTALL
    > gt5-1.3/.inst/usr/share/doc/gt5-1.3/LICENSE
    > gt5-1.3/.inst/usr/share/doc/gt5-1.3/README
    > gt5-1.3/.inst/usr/share/man
    > gt5-1.3/.inst/usr/share/man/man1
    > gt5-1.3/.inst/usr/share/man/man1/gt5.1.gz
    > -- Done.
    > [EMAIL PROTECTED] /artimi/cyg-test-gt5/test>

    >   In my case DESTDIR ends up empty so it all gets installed in relative
    > subdirs of the cwd at the time of the install, which is the .inst build 
    > Did I do something wrong?

It works fine for me.

11:53 AM [732]> ./gt5-1.3-1.sh prep
-- Cygbuild 2006-02-17 1.837 http://cygbuild.sourceforge.net/
-- Extracting /usr/src/gt5-1.3.tar.gz
-- cd /usr/src && patch  --strip=0  --forward  --fuzz=3  --set-utc   --quiet < 
--   [NOTE] If patch fails, you may need rm -rf /usr/src/gt5-1.3
Not setting time of file gt5-1.3/Makefile (time mismatch)
-- Running 'make clean' (or equiv.) in /usr/src/gt5-1.3
rm -f *[#~] *.\#* *.o *.exe core *.stackdump
-- Running 'make distclean' (or equiv.) in /usr/src/gt5-1.3
rm -f *[#~] *.\#* *.o *.exe core *.stackdump
-- Making Cygwin directories under /usr/src/gt5-1.3
-- Done.
You have new mail in your cygwin folder
You have new mail in your cygwin-announce folder
You have new mail in your cygwin-apps folder
You have new mail in your junk.bup.spool folder
You have new mail in your oracle folder
You have new mail in your xemacs folder
12:43 PM [733]> ./gt5-1.3-1.sh conf
-- Cygbuild 2006-02-17 1.837 http://cygbuild.sourceforge.net/
** Configure command
--   Hm, no shadow yet. Running it for you now.
** Shadow command
--   Running: make clean distclean (ignore errors; if any)
rm -f *[#~] *.\#* *.o *.exe core *.stackdump
make: Nothing to be done for `distclean'.
** Wait, preparing compile. Shadowing source files to 
-- Shadow finished.
--   No standard configre script found
-- Done.
12:43 PM [734]> ./gt5-1.3-1.sh make
-- Cygbuild 2006-02-17 1.837 http://cygbuild.sourceforge.net/
** Build command
--   Building with standard make(1) ./Makefile
nothing to build, gt5 is a shell-script
run make [un]install to [un]install
-- Done.
12:43 PM [735]> ./gt5-1.3-1.sh install
-- Cygbuild 2006-02-17 1.837 http://cygbuild.sourceforge.net/
** Install command
--   Emptying /usr/src/gt5-1.3/.inst
--   Installing docs to /usr/src/gt5-1.3/.inst/usr/share/doc/gt5-1.3 
--   Running install to /usr/src/gt5-1.3/.inst
--   Running 'make install' (or equiv.) in /usr/src/gt5-1.3/.build/build
/usr/bin/install -m 755 -d /usr/src/gt5-1.3/.inst/usr/bin
/usr/bin/install -m 755    gt5 /usr/src/gt5-1.3/.inst/usr/bin
/usr/bin/install -m 755 -d /usr/src/gt5-1.3/.inst/usr/share/man/man1
/usr/bin/install -m 644 *.1 /usr/src/gt5-1.3/.inst/usr/share/man/man1
--   Compressing manual pages
-- See also: find .inst/ -print  
-- Done.
01:01 PM [740]> ./gt5-1.3-1.sh pkg
-- Cygbuild 2006-02-17 1.837 http://cygbuild.sourceforge.net/
-- [INFO] gpg available. You should use package signing (-s)
-- [NOTE] No *.exe, *.a or *.dll files, skipped strip.
** Making package [binary] /usr/src/gt5-1.3/.sinst/gt5-1.3-1.tar.bz2
-- Done.
01:02 PM [741]> ./gt5-1.3-1.sh spkg
-- Cygbuild 2006-02-17 1.837 http://cygbuild.sourceforge.net/
-- [INFO] gpg available. You should use package signing (-s)
-- Making [patch] /usr/src/gt5-1.3/.sinst/gt5-1.3-1-cygwin.patch
--   Wait, taking a snapshot (may take a while)..  Done.
-- Running 'make clean' (or equiv.) in /usr/src/gt5-1.3/.build/gt5-1.3
rm -f *[#~] *.\#* *.o *.exe core *.stackdump
-- Running 'make distclean' (or equiv.) in /usr/src/gt5-1.3/.build/gt5-1.3
rm -f *[#~] *.\#* *.o *.exe core *.stackdump
** Making package [source] /usr/src/gt5-1.3/.sinst/gt5-1.3-1-src.tar.bz2
-- Done.

    >     cheers,
    >       DaveK


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