>>>>> Jari Aalto writes:

    > I saw two problems with it:

    >     1) putting the result [source].tar.gz and [bin].tar.gz back to
    >     the directory where ./<package>.sh is being run rouind the GPG
    >     signatures attached to them.

    >         $ cd tmp
    >         $ ls
    >     *   foo-1.9.5-1-src.tar.bz2
    >         foo-1.9.5-1-src.tar.bz2.sig
    >     *   foo-1.9.5-1.tar.bz2
    >         foo-1.9.5-1.tar.bz2.sig

    >         $ tar jxvf foo-1.9.5-src.tar.gz
    >         foo-1.9.5-1-cygwin.patch
    >         foo-1.9.5-1-cygwin.patch.sig
    >         foo-1.9.5-1.sh
    >         foo-1.9.5-1.sh.sig
    >         foo-1.9.5.tar.gz
    >         foo_1.9.5.tar.gz

    >         $ ./foo-1.9.5-1.sh all

    >         <Buidlds by cd'ing to ./foo-1.9.5-1/
    >          If results were put ../, then would overwrite the original files
    >          foo-1.9.5-1-src.tar.bz2 and foo-1.9.5-1.tar.bz2 and ruin
    >          associated signatures>

OK. I see the following snippet in your build script:

-- * --
#       Public ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES: User settings

#   These variables are used only when command [publish] is run.
#   The ready bin and source packages are either:
#   1) passed to script (or bash function) $CYGBUILD_PUBLISH_BIN
#   2) or copied into separate subdirectory pointed by
#      $CYGWIN_BUILD_PUBLISH_DIR. Separate subdirectories are created for
#      each published package before copying files.


-- * --

So, can you change your build script to call *publish* before you wipe
out anything when running the *all* option. In that case you only have
to change your cygwin specific README to tell the users where to find
the packages after a successful *all* run.

    >     2) Parallel development of many packages is possible only if
    >     all development is done within the "branch"

    >         ROOT
    >             package-a
    >                     version-1.1/
    >                     version-2.1/
    >                     version-3.1/
    >             package-b
    >                     version-1.1/-!-
    >                     version-2.1/
    >                     version-3.1/

    >     Suppose you're building in -!-, and the result [source].tar.gz and
    >     [bin].tar.gz are put ../ above. The you move to version-2.1/ and
    >     the results are again put ../ above.

    >     This is not good for keeping the debelopment lines separate and under
    >     version control. That's why all results are put inside

    >                     .sinst/

    > This is actually similar to what Debian does with *.deb packaging.

    > But I can think of adding a compatibility option, say

    >     --gbs

    > to make it behave like g-b-s to make the transition easier.

If the all step behaves like proposed above than this is not needed.

    > Thanks,
    > Jari


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