Since upstream version 6.3.8-5 of ImageMagick the following changes
were made:

 /usr/local/include => /usr/local/include/ImageMagick
 libMagick => libMagickCore
 libWand => libMagickWand
 Magick-config (deprecated) => MagickCore-config
 Wand-config (deprecated) => MagickWand-config

And as the api changed the library version was changed from
10 to 1.

Well, we used to pack the runtime libraries libMagick, libWand and
libMagick++ in a libMagick10 package.

As there was never a libMagick1 package in cygwin, this would
be no problem, except that I don't like that a newer library
now has a smaler number.

As the package collects all runtime library files, i.e. libMagickWand,
libMagickCore and libMagick++ I would tend to call that package



But I am open for suggestions. Does anyone have a better name? Or
shall I just call it libMagick1 ?


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