Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Mar 20 19:30, Volker Quetschke wrote:
Since upstream version 6.3.8-5 of ImageMagick the following changes
were made:

 /usr/local/include => /usr/local/include/ImageMagick
 libMagick => libMagickCore
 libWand => libMagickWand
 Magick-config (deprecated) => MagickCore-config
 Wand-config (deprecated) => MagickWand-config

And as the api changed the library version was changed from
10 to 1.

Well, we used to pack the runtime libraries libMagick, libWand and
libMagick++ in a libMagick10 package.

As there was never a libMagick1 package in cygwin, this would
be no problem, except that I don't like that a newer library
now has a smaler number.

As the package collects all runtime library files, i.e. libMagickWand,
libMagickCore and libMagick++ I would tend to call that package



But I am open for suggestions. Does anyone have a better name? Or
shall I just call it libMagick1 ?

What matters are the dependencies.
Well, I just checked setup.ini, there aren't any dependencies listed
on libMagick10 or the older libMagick6 except from the ImageMagick
package itself, so we are save here.

I'm somewhat surprised about the
change from 10 to 1.  Why is that?  And, isn't there a chance that a
later version will again use the version number 10?  What about using
libMagick_1?  The underscore has a higher asciis value than digits,
so the package would be newer from a sort order perspective.

Yes, nicer than my suggestion, but I guess I will just use
libImageMagick1, because that is what's in that package, all
the runtime libraries.

And to comment on Volker's (the other ;) ) mail,

> Probably the authors take care of library versioning. So i would not
> fiddle with the package name. If there will be a version clash
> sometime in the future you can take action then. What matters are the
> dependencies.

We were always deviating from the official packaging, as we just put
all libraries in one package, whereas upstream puts LibWand and LibCore
into the ImageMagic-6.x.y (no library, but program version!) package,
and LibMagic++-6.x.y. The library versioning is conveniently ignored.

So, whatever we do is better than the original scheme.

Oh and, don't use /usr/local/include/ImageMagick.  Use
/usr/include/ImageMagick, please.
That was a copy from their ChangeLog, we use /usr/include.


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