On 8/31/2008 8:05 PM, Brian Dessent wrote:
David Rothenberger wrote:

I've changed the package structure as follows:
~ * libapr1: Runtime library and documentation.
~ * libapr1-devel: Development headers and libraries.
~ * apr1: Source package.

Something seems wrong here.

Okay, so you want to rename apr1 to apr1-devel, that makes some sense. But why does apr1 continue to contain just the source? Why not just
have apr1-devel contain the source and make apr1 a completely empty

Okay. I'll rebuild with apr1 being an empty transition package and libapr1 containing the source.

Does this also mean that you will take over these as well:

@ aprutil1
@ libaprutil1

Yes, I'm working on those as well.

Also, there are these four old ABI=0 packages to deal with:

@ apr
@ libapr0
@ apr-util
@ libaprutil0

I can't find anything in current setup.ini that actually requires these
ABI=0 versions (other than themselves) so can't we just delete the above
four outright?

I guess so.

Or, how about the following idea: repurpose the the package named "apr"
(which was previously the ABI=0 one) to be the main documentation and
source package for the current ABI=1

I don't see any reason to put the documentation in a separate package, so I'm going to go with

  libapr1: runtime and documentation, source
  libapr1-devel: development

David Rothenberger  ----  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

XIIdigitation, n.:
        The practice of trying to determine the year a movie was made
        by deciphering the Roman numerals at the end of the credits.
                -- Rich Hall, "Sniglets"

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