[Yaakov, ping?]

On Jun 10 16:22, Lapo Luchini wrote:
> Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > Packaging looks ok, but did you really intend to support only static
> > linking against libbotan.a?  There's no DLL in /usr/bin, nor a import
> > lib in /usr/lib.
> For now, yes, it's intentional??? the author told me shared libs are not
> currently supported on Windows and Cygwin, and I didn't have time to
> investigate the issue much further.
> I have DLL support in my TODO list for future versions, though.
> I'd prefer to have this package "soon" (and be able to package
> monotone-0.44) as opposed as having a "perfect" package in a month or
> so??? but if that's a problem, we can certainly live with monotone-0.42 a
> bit longer.

No, it's fine.  If you say so, I'll upload it as is.  Righht now I
can't, due to a strange permission problem on sourceware.

> BTW: monotone-0.44 also needs lua, that is currently available via
> CygwinPorts, but not as official packages??? I know no LUA and am not
> particularly interested in managing that package, but i'm willing to
> manage it, as it's needed for a package I'm very interested into???

Yaakov, would it be a problem to just move lua from cygwinports to
cygwin?  AFAICS, it only relies on two libs which are part of Cygwin
anyway.  Is there any downside?


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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