On 9/6/2010 7:47 AM, Damien Doligez wrote:
> This is the contents of my setup.hint file for the updated package,
> mostly unchanged from Igor's version:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> sdesc: "The Objective Caml compiler and runtime"
> ldesc: "Objective Caml is a fast modern type-inferring functional
> programming language descended from the ML (Meta Language)
> family.  The OCaml compiler is developed at INRIA's project-team
> Gallium"
> requires: cygwin libncurses7
> category: Interpreters Devel
> ------------------------------------------------------------------

Are you sure that your new version requires libncurses7?  The only
current libncurses-dev package will cause you to link against

        cygcheck /usr/bin/name-of-ocaml-exe
and see what DLLs it actually uses...

Also, new policy is NOT to list 'cygwin' in the requires...


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