On 7/23/2013 13:11, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:

But libexpat1-devel is a BAD choice of name,

You're only having a problem with -devel, right, not the library package proper?

Does this .cygport file solve the problem?

DESCRIPTION="Expat XML parser library"

PKG_NAMES="${PN} lib${PN}${abi} lib${PN}-devel"
PKG_HINTS="setup lib${abi} devel"
PKG_CONTENTS[0]='usr/bin/*.exe usr/share/'
PKG_CONTENTS[2]='usr/include/ usr/lib/'



HTMLDOCS="doc/*.png doc/*.html doc/*.css"

The only change from the one I used to build the -2 package is that the PKG_NAMES line used to be:

PKG_NAMES="${PN} lib${PN}${abi} lib${PN}${abi}-devel"

It's probably best to just rename this stuff in the repo. The last release of Expat was 6 years ago, and I have no information that leads me to expect another release soon. If there were an imminent release due, I'd say hold off, and let me roll the change into that version.

Anyway, I've changed my local .cygport file as above, in case I ever have to use it again. :)

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