On 7/25/2013 15:33, Ken Brown wrote:

could you provide a setup.hint for libexpat1-devel
(64 bit)?  Without a setup.hint, it gets put into the Misc category and
is then installed by default.

I don't know what you're talking about.  Here's the setup.hint I RFU'd:

category: Libs
requires: cygwin libexpat1
external-source: expat
sdesc: "Expat XML parser library (development)"
ldesc: "This is Expat, a C library for parsing XML, written by James
Clark. Expat is a stream-oriented XML parser.  This means that you
register handlers with the parser before starting the parse.  These
handlers are called when the parser discovers the associated structures
in the document being parsed.  A start tag is an example of the kind of
structures for which you may register handlers."

Doesn't the first line do what you want?

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