On Jul 28 18:17, Achim Gratz wrote:
> Corinna Vinschen writes:
> > Or Eric.  I'm not sure how this !perl thingy is supposed to work since
> > the tags are handled by upset...
> The idea was that when every maintainer has said he's ready, someone
> goes into the server just after the updater has run and moves all !perl
> to !ready, so that an hour later everything will go into setup.ini at
> once.  This obviously only works if upset doesn't get upset if it finds
> something that looks like a cookie file, but isn't.  Come to think of it
> it probably does and will delete it, but I don't want to try without
> someone standing by that can help get things back in order if it somehow
> fails.
> > As for setting bulk !ready tags, I can do that, but not this week.  Next
> > Monday at the earliest.
> That would give two more days for maintainers to upload, which would be
> OK.  The only difference would be that every maintainer needs to ensure
> that posting the cookies in the top-level release directories is OK.  At
> the moment we're stuck anyway as long as David and Yaakov don't show up
> since I consider (some of) their packages essential.

Yaakov is on #cygwin-developers, you may want to ping him.

David, ping?


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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