On 2017-05-08 05:54, Jon Turney wrote:
> On 07/05/2017 13:41, Andy Li wrote:
>> I would like to adopt and update the now orphaned libatomic_ops
>> and libgc packages, which is a dependency of the neko package I 
>> maintained.
>> The updated cygport files can be found at:
>> https://github.com/andyli/libatomic_ops-cygwin
>> https://github.com/andyli/libgc-cygwin
>> Note that I've split them into separated packages, since the source
>> of libgc no longer contains a copy of atomic_ops, and they are
>> versioned independently as well.
>> Please review and let me know if there is anything to improve.
> Thanks.
> libatomic_ops.cygport:
> A comment that we need to correct for this installing it's
> documentation into usr/share/libatomic_ops, rather that
> usr/share/doc/libatomic_ops might be nice.
> This could alternatively be written using a custom src_install which
> calls cyginstall then moves the directory, which might be less
> brittle to changes in the file list?
> This might be an upstream defect if it doesn't respect --docdir?
> libgc.cygport:
> DEPEND might be better written pkgconfig(atomic_ops)
> Again, stuff installed to usr/share/gc/ should probably be moved to
> usr/share/doc/gc
> I note we also have libgc-7.2d-2 as non-source package, which just 
> contains usr/share/doc/Cygwin/libgc.README. That probably needs to
> be cleaned up by being obsoleted.

[was this intended for cygwin-apps?]

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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