On 8/8/2019 10:04 AM, Andrew Schulman via cygwin-apps wrote:
>> While a number of maintainers keep their cygwin packaging under some
>> sort of version control, there is currently no central collection of
>> these repositories.
>> To remedy this lack, using the same ssh key you use for sftp package
>> upload, package maintainers can now also push to git repositories, like so:
>> git push cyg...@cygwin.com:/git/cygwin-packages/<packagename>
>> where <packagename> is a package name you are listed as a maintainer for
>> in http://cygwin.com/cygwin-pkg-maint.
>> These repositories are lazily created on the first push.
> In my testing, git push hangs on the first push, after "Initialized empty
> git repositories". After I interrupt, it finishes normally. Maybe a
> misconfiguration on my end.

I'm seeing something like this too now, though I didn't when I first tested.  
my case it doesn't finish normally after the interrupt; I have to do a second 
git push, which then works.


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