Date: Mon, 03 Aug 2020 21:24:11 +0200
From: Achim Gratz <>

> Lemures Lemniscati via Cygwin writes:
> > This is another patch, so that cygport shall make tarballs with
> > specified owner and group names.
> Cygport patches should better go to cygwin-apps.  I've already sent a
> patch that allows you to do the same thing some time ago, but it has
> not been reviewed yet.


Then, how about a commit following yours.

Now it is suffienct to specify CYGPORT_TAR_EXT as ".tar.zst" in order
use zstd. But it needs tar version >= 1.31.

And a next one is for making BUILD_REQUIRES a single-line list in
*src.hint files.

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