On Sat, 08 Aug 2020 06:32:06 +0200, ASSI
> Lemures Lemniscati via Cygwin-apps writes:
> > But I feel uneasy about the usase of CYGPORT_TAR_CMD, because we must
> > specify 'tar' in it. It is a redundancy.
> It is also a way to do nefarious things, but there are already many
> more such places.
> > The following is a thought experiment to avoid this redundancy.
> […]
> As I said, you'll end up with configuration variables for everything
> except the actual command (which is found in PATH, so if I really wanted
> to mess with it I could do that anyway).

Oh, I see. My comment was maybe misleading.

My point is that it would be happy for me if it is sufficient to specify
changed parameters only.  (the point is not about avoiding wicked things).

And I guess your point of view about configuration is more general than

Now, my last wish, in this case, is that these settings, for example,
would be effective and would do well:

CYGPORT_TAR_CMD="tar -I 'zstd -19 -T0'"

And, I think it will be user-friendly.


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