On 08.01.2022 20:15, Marco Atzeri wrote:
following on cygwin-apps

On 08.01.2022 18:41, Marco Atzeri wrote:
On 08.01.2022 18:34, Alois Schlögl wrote:
Dear Cygwin community,

Hi Alois,

I intend to package Stimfit [1] and Biosig [2] (and perhaps libb64,libbiosig,sigviewer) for cygwin. The packages are already available in Debian, but when trying to package them for cygwin, I run into some difficulties. I read the documentation [3-5], but I got stuck, and I'd appreciate your help on this. Attached are my current versions of  *.cygports and *.hint files

please subscribe to cygwin-apps.
The discussion about maintainership and packaging are handled there

I looked on libb64, as it is not using autoconf/automake
you can not use the default src_* but you need to define them.

As the Makefile is building only static lib and has no install
procedure I modified to build only shared and I used
cygport for the installation.
I also separated the test.

See attached update cygport and patch.

as we have already base64

$ cygcheck -l coreutils | grep base64

I wonder if is it really useful.
Otherwise you need to change name to the binary


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