On 2022-01-17 14:44, Alois Schlögl wrote:
Am 1/15/22 um 21:44 schrieb Achim Gratz:
Marco Atzeri writes:

add DIFF_EXCLUDES="Makefile" to avoid the artifact

DISTCLEANFILES would be more appropriate it seems.

DISTCLEANFILES is deleted immediately after downloading and unpacking the *UPSTREAM* source:


"A list of files to be deleted immediately upon unpacking sources, relative to $S. This is intended to be used with buildsystem-generated files which are incorrectly included in the source tarball."

I tried this (see attachment), but I'm not sure this is what you meant.

DIFF_EXCLUDES is a list of files generated in $S not automatically excluded from the source package:


"A list of file names, directory names, or glob patterns in $S which will be excluded when creating the .src.patch file. This should be used for files automatically generated in $S to avoid polluting the patch.
Files generated by various buildsystem infrastructures, such as autoconf, automake, gettext, and libtool are already excluded automatically and need not be listed here."

Add to DIFF_EXCLUDES the names of any files you see after the output header:

Creating source patches

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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