I would like to contribute etckeeper.


category: Utils
requires: bash coreutils grep sed
sdesc: "Store /etc in git or mercurial"
ldesc: "Etckeeper is a tool to let /etc be stored in git or
mercurial.  It hooks into Cygwin Setup to automatically commit changes
made to /etc during package upgrades.  It tracks file metadata
(permissions, owner, group) that version control systems do not
normally support."

Package for review:
wget -r -nH --cut-dirs=2 \
https://chrfranke.de/cygwin/noarch/etckeeper/etckeeper-1.18.17-1.hint \
https://chrfranke.de/cygwin/noarch/etckeeper/etckeeper-1.18.17-1-src.hint \
https://chrfranke.de/cygwin/noarch/etckeeper/etckeeper-1.18.17-1-src.tar.xz \
https://chrfranke.de/cygwin/noarch/etckeeper/etckeeper-1.18.17-1.tar.xz \

Tested with git. Only a few tests were done with hg.

Baazar is not fully supported yet as the pre-commit hook Python module is not included. The "bzr" command now fails on Cygwin as it still requires python2.7. Debian/Ubuntu moved to brz (breeze).

The current Cygwin Setup cannot automatically run the hook for 'etckeeper pre-install'. A related patch is here:

As a workaround for now, 'etckeeper pre-install' could be run manually before starting setup. If not run, the 'etckeeper post-install' hook then also commits any pending changes done before setup, the "Package changes:" list in the log message is always empty and "Packages with configuration changes:" will not appear. The remaining functionality is not affected.


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