On 13/11/2022 12:47, Achim Gratz wrote:
The problem is actually a more knotty than you seem to think:
prominently ca-certificates and man-db get their knickers in a twist
when the group during post-install is different from the group of the
installed files and I suspect some other packages will run into similar
problems depending on how fussy they are with the group permissions.

I take it seriously, otherwise I would have just released a setup with those changes.

I've reverted them for the moment, since I want to do a setup release now for other reasons.

Taking a step back:

I believe that the intent of the code in setup is that there should only be two modes:

USER: install "for me", with the users primary group
SYSTEM: install "for everyone", with the administrators primary group (only permitted if you are an administrator)

But in fact, this got broken this long ago, so we do something slightly different (Please take a look at the discussion around [1]).

If the intention isn't adequate, can you describe what is needed?

[1] https://cygwin.com/pipermail/cygwin-apps/2022-July/042144.html

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