On 09/07/2023 17:50, Jon Turney via Cygwin-apps wrote:
On 07/07/2023 19:54, Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-apps wrote:
On 02.07.2023 16:30, Jon Turney wrote:
On 04/06/2023 20:17, Jon Turney via Cygwin-apps wrote:

I think the next step is to remove the python27 package itself.

This will make it impossible to install anything which requires it on new installations (existing installations which already have the package installed will be uneffected).

Once the wailing, rending of garments and gnashing of teeth has died down, I can remove the python2 modules and bindings at leisure.

I've finally got around to vaulting all the remaining python2 modules and bindings.

Looking at the remaining python(|2)-* packages:

python-cairo-devel      Python bindings to libcairo
python-dbus-devel       Python D-Bus bindings
python-gdal     Geospatial Data Abstraction Library - (Python)
python-gi-common        Python GObject Introspection bindings
python-gi-devel Python GObject Introspection bindings
python-gobject-common   Python GLib/GObject/GIO bindings
python-gobject-devel    Python GLib/GObject/GIO bindings
python-gobject-doc      Python GLib/GObject/GIO bindings
python-gtk2.0-demo      Python bindings for GTK+2 and libglade (demo 
python-gtk2.0-devel     Python bindings for GTK+2 and libglade (development 
python-gtk2.0-doc       Python bindings for GTK+2 and libglade
python-netsnmp  Net-SNMP (python)
python-orbit-devel      Python bindings for ORBit-2
python-pip-wheel        Python package installation tool
python-pyatspi-common   Python AT-SPI/D-Bus bindings
python-pykde4-common    Python KDE4 bindings
python-pykde4-devel     Python KDE4 bindings
python-pyqt4-common     Python Qt4 bindings
python-pyqt4-devel      Python Qt4 bindings
python-pyqt5-common     Python Qt5 bindings
python-pyqt5-qt3d-common        Python Qt3D bindings
python-pyqt5-qt3d-devel Python Qt3D bindings
python-pyqt5-qtchart-common     Python QtCharts bindings
python-pyqt5-qtchart-devel      Python QtCharts bindings
python-pyqt5-qtdatavisualization-common Python QtDataVisualization bindings
python-pyqt5-qtdatavisualization-devel  Python QtDataVisualization bindings
python-setuptools-wheel Python package management tool
python-webkit-devel     Python WebKit/GTK+ bindings
python-wheel-wheel      Python package format module
python-wx-devel wxWidgets C++ application framework (Python bindings)
python2-xapian-doc      Python bindings for the Xapian search engine library

I'll have to look these over in more detail, but most of the python-*- {common,devel,wheel) seem reasonable to allow to continue to exist.

python2-xapian-doc can obviously also be removed.

python-wx-devel is the last remnant of python2 bindings for wx (the python3 binding comes from a different, irregularly named source package python3-wx), so can also be removed.

python-{gdal,netsnmp} are irregularly named, and should be obsoleted and renamed as python3-foo and/or python3X-foo when they next get rebuilt.

There's still some packages which depend on python2 and python2 modules remaining, which haven't been rebuilt yet, which are probably all candidates for removal if not adopted. I'll produce a list before that happens, though.

On to python3.5 (EOL Sep 2020) next, I suppose...

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