On Wed, Nov 22, 2000 at 06:05:49PM -0800, Earnie Boyd wrote:
>--- Christopher Faylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Earnie, have you tried building an entire source tree including gcc,
>> gdb, binutils, expect, dejagnu, etc.?  I wonder if there are gotchas
>> there.
>I have binutils but not the rest.  IINM, I would put these in the src directory
>with the rest and do one huge configure, correct?

Yes.  It is a little tricky figuring out what to include but I'll let
you in on a secret: I set up a "repository" on sources.redhat.com called

cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs/uberbaum login
cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs/uberbaum checkout .

This will get you the complete tree, containing gcc, binutils, gdb,
winsup, etc.

This "repository" is actually just a symbolic link farm to the other
repositories so it reflects any changes made to the gcc or src
repositories automatically.

Checkins are limited, though, unfortunately.  I confused people on the
gcc list with some checkins a while ago, so I've disabled them for most


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