"Christopher Faylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I'm unclear whether this is the best naming / type scheme but it is one
> >recognised by both the make and fileutils packages available from the
> >cygwin setup (i.e. make this patch and re-compile those packages and they
> > detect the new fields).
> As long as there's precedent...  Is this how linux does it too?

This does seem to be the way that several vendors do it: it's labelled "the
usual case" in the make and fileutils configure files (as opposed to Solaris
2.6 and Unixware 2.1.2) and I found several man pages on the web that
matched this naming / typing scheme.

Strangely, Linux doesn't seem to support sub-second timing (at least, not as
of 2.5.13, which is all I have to hand right now).

> newlib patches should be sent to the newlib mailing list.

On its way.

> I see from your next message that you're probably sending a better
> ChangeLog.  :-)

Well, it's longer :-) and I hope it's better.

While I'm writing, just a note that there is a proviso in the second
(slightly more considered) version of the email about an issue of rounding
up of the times for FAT that I also missed out from the first.

> I'll let Corinna comment on the patch itself.  It looks good to me, but
> she's been modifying this code a lot lately so she has a better feel for
> it.

Thanks Chris.

// Conrad

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