On Oct 22 00:09, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 01:32:41PM -0500, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
> >On Sun, 2012-10-21 at 13:10 -0400, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> >>That said, is it time to ask the mingw.org stuff to relocate their CVS
> >>repo?  I could tar up the affected CVS directories for them if so.
> >
> >What about some CVSROOT/modules magic to exclude winsup/mingw and
> >winsup/w32api from a Cygwin checkout?
> >
> >1) change the existing cygwin module to naked-cygwin; 2) add a new
> >cygwin module with "-a src-support naked-cygwin naked-newlib
> >naked-include"; 3) change the directions on cvs.html to "cvs co cygwin"
> >instead of "cvs co winsup" for new checkouts; 4) devs with existing
> >checkouts could just rm -fr winsup/mingw winsup/w32api if they so
> >choose (but with the patch, they won't be used anymore even if
> >present).

That sounds like we need it anyway.  It won't make sense to pack
a src archive with mingw and w32api dirs, if they are not used.

> >As mingw.org already treats winsup/mingw and winsup/w32api as separate
> >repos[1], that should do the trick for us without forcing them to move.
> >Given our long-standing cooperation until now, I think it's the least
> >we could do.
> I wasn't trying to punish anyone.  I actually thought that they probably
> hadn't moved already mainly out of courtesy to us.  I vaguely recall some
> rumbling about this in the past.
> I've cc'ed Earnie to see how he feels about it.
> Earnie, we seem to be transitioning from the need to have a mingw/w32api
> in the source tree.  What do you think about removing these directories
> from the depot and moving repo to sourceforge, or some other place?
> You've got a home for as long as you like on sourceware.org but I was

Yeah, since the changes to the configury separate Cygwin from mingw and
w32api, staying in src/winsup is no problem at all.  I always thought
mingw is part of the src tree for gcc bootstrap reasons.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
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