
it replaces explorer.exe (which is not lauched at all with this key
In my example (cmd.exe), you just have a CMD window. It's really usefull if
your explorer is causing trouble a startup.

.                         \)|(/
.                         (o o)
. /-----------------ooO----(_)----Ooo-----------------\
.(_|                  Francis VIVAT                   |
.  |                    CETP-CNRS                     |
.  |  10-12, avenue de l'Europe  78140 Velizy         |
.  |             Tel    : +33 1 3925 4780             |
.  |             Fax    : +33 1 3925 4922             |_
.  |      E-Mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]         | )
.  \---------------------------------------------------/
.                        (_)  (_)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sylvain Petreolle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Francis VIVAT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Stuart Adamson"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'Splatter van Upchuck '"
Cc: "'cygx '" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 1:10 PM
Subject: Re: KDE (or gnome)

> is the program that is named here laucnhed after winnt
> logon or is it replacing it ?
> > HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows
> > NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
> >
> > you create a string value named Shell, and you put
> > what you want in it
> > (cmd.exe for example).
> >
> > May be it could be used to load CygWin ? I haven't
> > tried it that way.
> >
> > CU
> > .                         \)|(/
> > .                         (o o)
> > .
> >
> /-----------------ooO----(_)----Ooo-----------------\
> > .(_|                  Francis VIVAT
> >  |
> > .  |                    CETP-CNRS
> >  |
> > .  |  10-12, avenue de l'Europe  78140 Velizy
> >  |
> > .  |             Tel    : +33 1 3925 4780
> >  |
> > .  |             Fax    : +33 1 3925 4922
> >  |_
> > .  |      E-Mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >  | )
> > .
> >
> \---------------------------------------------------/
> > .                        (_)  (_)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Stuart Adamson"
> > To: "'Splatter van Upchuck '" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Cc: "'cygx '" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 11:21 AM
> > Subject: RE: KDE (or gnome)
> >
> >
> > > > From: Splatter van Upchuck
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > >
> > > > What else runs under XFree then?
> > >
> > > My windows development environment (for Win32
> > code, not cygwin code).
> > > I use Icewm for my window manager, Vi (vim) is my
> > editor of choice,
> > > gnu make is much better that nmake that ships with
> > visual studio.
> > > You can always invoke win32 apps from cygwin (some
> > even appear on my
> > > icewm tool bar).
> > >
> > > If you want a web browser, office apps etc then
> > you may as well just
> > > use the native windows one - they work well.
> > Cygwin comes in when I
> > > want a sane development environment, a nice shell
> > (bash or cmd.exe -
> > > hum, tough choice ;)) and that feeling that I'm
> > working with and not
> > > fighting against my environment.
> > >
> > > Xfree86 also makes a good Xterminal for unix
> > machines.  With a few of the
> > > patches that have gone in over the last month and
> > native clipboard support
> > > coming soon (if I knew how to hook into the XEvent
> > queue then merging
> > > xwinclip and Xwin would be high on my list of
> > things to do) it's very
> > > usable and free (unlike eXceed, XWin32 etc).
> > >
> > >
> > > Here's a question - can I stop windows from
> > loading explorer on startup
> > and
> > > get it to load Xfree86 instead?  I know you could
> > do this under Win95
> > > - is it still possible under 2000 ?
> > >
> > >
> > > Stuart
> > >
> >
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