On Sun, 25 Aug 2002 9:48 pm, Rahul Amaram-RollNo.2000086 wrote:
> Hi,
>       Is it possible to display the clients' windows like xterm, rxvt,
> ymeesenger, etc. outside the main single window??? Any help would be
> appreciated.
>                                               Rahul.

See http://xfree86.cygwin.com/devel/todo.html.  It is at the top of the list, 
but Cygwin-XFree is developed in peoples spare time.

Harold did offer to develop needed features in return for some renumeration.

I didn't respond to Harold's post at the time, as unfortunately I don't hold 
the purse strings where I work, but philosophically I am strongly in favour 
of people paying money to get features they want developed in Open-Source 
software.  I have helped my workplace become a paying customer to two 
open-source products, Mitel's SME server and Astaro's Security Linux.

If Harold had a pay pal account, I would happily contribute US$10, 
particularly if a number of other people did so too.  Perhaps setting up some 
kind of pledge system.  Something along the lines of:

Task 1: Rootless mode
|Name                       | Amount Pledged   | Contact            | Rec'd |
| Joe Blogs                 |  $20             | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  Yes  |
| Mary Smith                |  $15             | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |       |
| etc....

Task 2: ......

Once the task is complete, someone follows up each pledge. I would suggest 
that that someone not be the developer(s).  An automated system would be 
better.  Anyone know of an existing system that could be coerced to do the 

Would RedHat be happy to host such a pledging system on their servers?  I 
would be happy to host it on my sever. Note that it is only on an ADSL 
connection with a 64kbs uplink speed.  However, it is up 24/7 and does have a 
fixed IP.

The contact email address would need to be obscured from the spammers, or 
perhaps kept off public pages altogether.

What do people think?  Could it work?  Is it already being done somewhere?

I have just found some pages by Christopher Browne, called the "Free Software 
(Gift) Exchange Registry" (http://cbbrowne.com/info/fssp.html), but he just 
talks about a similar idea.  There is no reference to someone actually 
putting his idea into practice.  Christopher does raise the issue of gifts 
and tax, and his article is generally a good read.


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