Speaking of a PayPal account... I have one.  I even set it up to accept
credit card payments a few weeks ago, but I haven't yet put a link to it
from my personal page.  I think I now have some motivation to do so :)

I'll will post once to the list to let people know that the link exists, and
I'll make sure that there are links to my home page from the Cygwin/XFree86
page, but I won't put a PayPal link directly on the Cygwin/XFree86 page
because I believe that would violate the spirit of the project.  <--- That
was just so that everyone knows that I will be ethical about this :)


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Rasjid Wilcox
> Sent: Sunday, August 25, 2002 10:22 AM
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Rahul Amaram-RollNo.2000086
> Subject: Re: displaying windows outside the main window
> On Sun, 25 Aug 2002 9:48 pm, Rahul Amaram-RollNo.2000086 wrote:
> > Hi,
> >     Is it possible to display the clients' windows like xterm, rxvt,
> > ymeesenger, etc. outside the main single window??? Any help would be
> > appreciated.
> >                                             Rahul.
> See http://xfree86.cygwin.com/devel/todo.html.  It is at the top
> of the list,
> but Cygwin-XFree is developed in peoples spare time.
> Harold did offer to develop needed features in return for some
> renumeration.
> http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-xfree/2002-07/msg00090.html
> I didn't respond to Harold's post at the time, as unfortunately I
> don't hold
> the purse strings where I work, but philosophically I am strongly
> in favour
> of people paying money to get features they want developed in Open-Source
> software.  I have helped my workplace become a paying customer to two
> open-source products, Mitel's SME server and Astaro's Security Linux.
> If Harold had a pay pal account, I would happily contribute US$10,
> particularly if a number of other people did so too.  Perhaps
> setting up some
> kind of pledge system.  Something along the lines of:
> Task 1: Rootless mode
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------
> |Name                       | Amount Pledged   | Contact
>   | Rec'd |
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------
> | Joe Blogs                 |  $20             |
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  Yes  |
> | Mary Smith                |  $15             |
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |       |
> | etc....
> Task 2: ......
> Once the task is complete, someone follows up each pledge. I
> would suggest
> that that someone not be the developer(s).  An automated system would be
> better.  Anyone know of an existing system that could be coerced
> to do the
> task?
> Would RedHat be happy to host such a pledging system on their servers?  I
> would be happy to host it on my sever. Note that it is only on an ADSL
> connection with a 64kbs uplink speed.  However, it is up 24/7 and
> does have a
> fixed IP.
> The contact email address would need to be obscured from the spammers, or
> perhaps kept off public pages altogether.
> What do people think?  Could it work?  Is it already being done somewhere?
> I have just found some pages by Christopher Browne, called the
> "Free Software
> (Gift) Exchange Registry" (http://cbbrowne.com/info/fssp.html),
> but he just
> talks about a similar idea.  There is no reference to someone actually
> putting his idea into practice.  Christopher does raise the issue
> of gifts
> and tax, and his article is generally a good read.
> Rasjid.

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