Again, I don't know much about X so I'm going to talk blind here....

Harold L Hunt II wrote:
> As far as integrating xwinclip into XWin.exe - Chris would be stuck by 
> the same problem that I am: that the process hosting the xwinclip X 
> client connection gets killed when X shuts down or resets and the client 
> connection is still open.
> I have searched for months and months for a way to receive a definite 
> signal that the X server is about to shutdown.  

... XWin is the X server so if xwinclip is part of XWin, then it knows 
that the server is shuting down/reseting because XWin is shuting 
down/reseting, doesn't it?

Also, I thought that the use of select() in test04 was to avoid problem 
with disconnection.
test05 changelog says that there is still a problem with GiveUp. But I 
guess that GiveUp ends up calling ddxGiveUp. Maybe this ddxGiveUp could 
be useful (like to close the X client connection if it's not too late to 
do it)

Also (it's probably more work but...) the X server is the one handling 
the clipboard, isn't it? So if xwinclip is integrated into the server, 
it should not need to be a X client anymore so no more problem with 
connections. Maybe Chris would be interested into looking into that 
(that would occupy his mind for quite a while a guess :)).


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