Chris Twiner wrote:
> I think until it's integrated within XWin (still think Harolds right 
> about the closing of connection, I can test for the Cygwin/XFree86 
> window being closed, I can even stop it but I can't catch the xlib 
> bombing out on a send/receive) it must have a windows window not a 
> console to close properly.  This would allow the proper trapping of the 
> messages.  It doesn't need to show anything in the window just to be a 
> visible one.  Of course it doesn't stop someone killing the process but 
> it does at least make the close work.

Wouldn't a window with a "shape window" (ala xeyes), where the shape 
leaves nothing visible, work? Or a window that always stay out of the 
screen boundaries.
Maybe having a window visible isn't a bad idea. This give the choice to 
the user to kill xwinclip if it doesn't want to share the clipboards 
The window could also always stay minimized.
Or xwinclip could become some sort of extended xclipboard. Storing 
multiple X and Windows content.

> Good un. Although I'm not sure it's entirely wanted behaviour.  What if 
> you just start xwinclip between selection operations on the XWin x 
> clients?  Should it automatically clear them or is the reason you're 
> starting xwinclip because you want to give them the windows clipboard.  
> I think it's the latter, I'll put it in (means owning XA_PRIMARY when it 
> starts up, no biggy).

I guess that usually, xwinclip is started in the same script than XWin. 
But in any case, the best solution may then be to check if one of the 
clipboard is empty (either Windows or X) and copy the content of the 
other. If both are full we have to make an arbitrary choice. Feeble 
excuses are:
- when we start xwinclip and X alreay has a selection, it's likely that 
XWin is active. As such, it's easier to reselect what is in X if 
necessary than having to switch to a Windows application (in favor of 
using the Windows clipboard).
- The selection in Windows in permanent while in X it isn't. So it would 
be easier to recover the Windows clipboard than the X one (just need to 
copy what is already selected, while in X, we would need to reselect it 
first) (in favor of using X content).
- AFAIK, there is no "cut" operation in X, only paste while in Windows, 
we have a "cut". So if the content of the Windows clipboard has been 
cut, there is no way to recover it once lost (except if the application 
has an "undo" feature). (in favor of Windows).
- I threw a coin and it said to use Windows (in favor of Windows).
- I threw a another coin and it said to use X (in favor of X).

Ok, that's all I can think of for now. The choice is yours :)


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