
Are you using the ``-rootless'' command-line parameter? If so, the developer of that feature mentioned that there was a memory leak and that he was working on fixing it. If not, then we might need to look into your problem as a previously unknown problem.


Konstantin N. Kudin wrote:

Hi all

I am using the cygwin + xfree combination for my X server.
I run the program for days on a W2k laptop and put the machine on stand by
every night. W2k and xfree are restarted quite infrequently (once every
2-4 weeks).
I have noticed in Task Manager that XWin process slowly but surely grows
in size adding about 2Mb every day. It starts from 13 Mb but over the
course of few days may become as large as 150 Mb (I have seen that). I
tried to update XFree to the latest version a couple of weeks ago yet it
did not stop growing in size.
I mostly run fvwm and 2-3 xterms. I also occasionally display xterms and
other things from other machines.
I am curious if the developers are aware of/working on this issue?
I could provide more details if needed/technically possible.


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