He's referring to a very old message on this list concerning 8bit PseudoColor support in cygwin-xfree and Cadence. Cadence is a CAD package that requires that feature -- and since PseudoColor support in cygwin-xfree is sketchy at best, you can't really use it to xhost cadence. (Which is the primary reason I'm still using XWin32, personally).

Stephen -- nope, I don't think you can xhost cadence using cygwin-xfree yet. (And next time, include a little background. Not everybody instantly recalls every message on this list from the past four years)


Harold L Hunt II wrote:
Wow, with all of that information that you gave, we will be sure to answer your question very quickly!


Allott, Stephen wrote:

I have just run across this problem using Cadence and wondered if it ever got solved?

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