Fellow X'ers,

    Try running your Cadence app in an evaluation copy of WRQ's RX product.
I wrote the pseudocolor emulation layer (second version) and would be
interested in your impression.  At the time the Cadence customers were Sony,
Cannon, Mitsubishi, etc. They seemed to be happy with the results:
simultaneous pseudocolor and 24bit truecolor windows with arbitrary numbers
of installed 8bit colormaps (also simultaneous).

    If anyone is interested in working on this issue I would be happy to
consult with them on it.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Charles Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 1:28 AM
Subject: Re: 8 bit PseudoColor problem

> Harold L Hunt II wrote:
> > I wouldn't say that PseudoColor support is sketchy.  I mean, it works
> > either in fullscreen or if you are running Windows in 8 bit color mode.
> > Granted, PseudoColor is not available when you are running in windowed
> > with Windows set at higher than 8 bit color.
> Correct.
> > Are you telling me that Cadence still does not work with Cygwin/XFree86
> > when you are using one of the two options outlined above?  That would be
> > disappointing because I did put a lot of time into the PseudoColor
> > and I was pretty certain that it was working properly.  Hmm...
> Well, it's also the fact that *cadence* uses PsuedoColor poorly.  It
> wants a private colormap, which means lots of fun colorflashing, unless
> you have support for multiple 256color psuedocolor maps within the same
> display.  AFAIK, only Solaris's Xserver actually implements this.
> Now, Cadence is ALSO ugly when hosted by XWin32.  *But*, because Xwin32
> supports multiple windows, the ugliness only affects cadence, and not
> any other windows you might have open.  In my case, if I'm using an
> Xserver in "full screen" mode, then I tend to open up xterms and other
> windows inside it -- which means they all get affected by the 8bit
> colorflashing.
> OTOH, if I'm Xhosting an app using an Xserver that supports multiple
> windows, then I open up cygwin rxvt (native) rxvt windows, and native
> windows editors, etc.  And only cadence is affected by the 8bit issue --
> so it's tolerable.
> As I said, it has been a long time since I've tried it using the
> cygwin-xfree server, but that's my recollection.
> --Chuck

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