I've been experiencing a fairly annoying key bounce problem with almost
any X client that takes keyboard input running against XWin on my XP
box.  The problem rears its ugly head the most when running xterm.
I searched the archive for this list for "xterm", "debounce", "keyboard",
etc but couldn't find a message with a solution.

The keyboard code for XWin appears to ignore xset's "r" option, likewise
it appears to ignore XKEYBOARD args such as -ar1 as detailed on the
Xserver man page.  The keyboard code doesn't ignore XP's keyboard
control settings however.  I modified Control Panel->Keyboard->Repeat Delay
to be one notch slower and the keyboard bounce problems magically went
away.  This fix obviously modifies the behavior of the keyboard for every
Windows app, but since I spend 99% of the time inside XFree86 I'm
quite happy with it. :-)

I don't know if this fix applies to anything other than XP, but I
thought I should subscribe to this list and get this message into the
archive in case someone else runs into the same problem down the road.


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