
> Duncan Cragg seems to have reported success using 'xset r off', but you 
> may want to read the rest of that thread for clarification.  Hmm... from 
> my own comments I think I mentioned that XF86MISC isn't compiled in, so 
> it wouldn't seem that 'xset r off' could actually do anything...

No xset 'r' args appear to work.  'xset q' shows that the server is
correctly registering 'xset r off' and it's definitely ignored.  I
think it's fine that XWin currently ignores this stuff since it's
(without looking at the source) probably doing the right thing by
talking directly to the Windows keyboard driver at the application level.

Either way, I don't actually want 'xset r off', I really want something

$ cat ~/.xserverrc 
exec /usr/X11R6/bin/X -ar1 500 :0

...which doesn't seem to work either.

> I had asked for some help from our guru, Alan Hourihane, but I don't 
> remember if he had any insight to offer me.

In a previous life I wrote X server support many ISA, VESA and PCI
graphics adapters.  I remember the keyboard-and-mouse-input guy in
our group being a weary "glass is half empty" type person when struggling
with these devices and everything that an X server is expected to do
with them.


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