
Harold L Hunt II wrote:


Okay, I have a couple more easy things to try that might have an effect:

1) Use "-fullscreen" to run in a full screen window... you may be seeing the results of some sort of image scaling problem. Running in full screen gives you a standard aspect ratio screen, so it might aleviate the problem.


2) Use "-engine 1". This uses the GDI engine instead of DirectDraw. GDI may not be affected in the same way as DirectDraw.


3) Use "-clipupdates 10". This will group together all updates to the Cygwin/XFree86 window that have more than 10 regions in them. This may prevent your problem from causing a crash.

nope :-(

4) Don't use the "2>/dev/null" in your startx script anymore. At best it is not needed since we are not a console app... at worst it is redirecting a file handle that is not expected and may be causing problems. In fact, please try using startxdmcp.bat... it has much fewer side effects that any other method of starting the server and will rule out a few questions in my mind.

I took out the /dev/null and your point is well taken. Then I tried startxdmcp.bat but unfortunately the behaviour remains the same.

I understand what your problem is. I also know that sometimes strange things happen that I do not expect and trying a few things that don't make sense often ends up fixing the problem and alerting me to something that I didn't know what happening.

I figured that you did and I understand that you are being meticulous with eliminating possible causes, but sometimes it pays to double check when no certain.

Thanks for testing,

Well actually it is I who am thankful. It is really appreciated how well you support this list and my problem in particular. Thanks.

What's next :-)

- joel


Joel Rosi-Schwartz wrote:


I tried both and the behaviour prevails.

Just to make sure we are on the same page, I would like to reiterate that the problem only occurs when I log into pre-existing kde configurations. If I log in under a clean kde environment all is fine. It appears to be something that I configured in the kde desktop. I am suspicious that somewhere along the line I have set the screen resolution from within kde, but for life of me I can not find such an option on the kde desktop tools. I have tried giving the startX command the -screen option, but that does not seem to alter any noticeable behaviour.

- joel

Harold L Hunt II wrote:


Okay, on the off chance that something strange is happening, please try changing the "-from `hostname`" to "-from %my_ip_address%". Also, try leaving off the -from altogether if you only have one network interface in your computer.


Joel Rosi-Schwartz wrote:


Gave it a shot but it still core dumps. Thanks for the idea though.

- joel

Harold L Hunt II wrote:


We had some problems a long while back with 24 and 32 bit color and KDE. Try dropping your Windows color depth to 16 bits per pixel and report your results.

Thanks for testing,


Joel Rosi-Schwartz wrote:

Andrew Markebo wrote:

What happens if you pick away the export DISPLAY?

No effect, it behaves the same either way. The thing is that it all works fine if the kde environment of the user logging in is virgin. Something in the KDE environment that has been configured at some point in the past is now causing a core dump on the new machines. Our old machines continue to function normally. The ultimate solution is to simply remove our existing .kde directories and reconfigure our desktops from scratch. That is real boring work but in the end may be the simplest solution.

- joel


/ Joel Rosi-Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| I do not understand why, but both times that I attached my startX file
| it seems be unreadable. Here are the contents:
| export PATH="/usr/X11R6/bin:$PATH"
| export DISPLAY=
| cd c:/tmp
| nohup /usr/X11R6/bin/XWin -query athena -from `hostname` 2>/dev/null&
| # I have also tried the following
| # /usr/X11R6/bin/XWin -screen 0 1024 768 -engine 4 -query athena -from
| `hostname`
| - joel

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