
Well, the original (that Mark quoted) was on the cygwin@ list, namely

FWIW, you can force the order of execution of the XFree86-bin-icons.sh
postinstall script by making the package dependent on XFree86-bin and
others, but that would most likely defeat the purpose of the package.

On Mon, 29 Sep 2003, Harold L Hunt II wrote:

> Igor,
> You wrote the original message in this thread, correct?  Was it sent to
> cygwin-xfree, cygwin, or cygwin-apps?  I am asking only because I can't
> find a log of it anywhere... was it eaten by the mail server?
> Actually, there is another bug in XFree86-bin-icons, that is, it doesn't
> usually create icons for any package except emacs unless it is run
> manually from the command-line.  I haven't looked into this enough to
> see if it only happens on fresh installs (implying that the problem is
> probably that XFree86-bin hasn't been installed yet) or if it happens
> all the time.  That bug needs to be fixed before any sort of permissions
> bug.  As is, it is pretty worthless.
> Harold
> Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
> > Mark,
> >
> > Please don't send personal e-mail on Cygwin issues unless specifically
> > requested.  Also, please make sure your mailer honors the Reply-To:
> > header.  I'm forwarding this reply to the appropriate list.
> >
> > More inline below.
> >
> > On Mon, 29 Sep 2003, Mark Anderson wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Igor;
> >>I am writing to you in reference to this posting.
> >>
> >>
> >>> The XFree86-bin-icons package is buggy.  It's basically a postinstall
> >>>script that tries to create icons for the X programs that are installed
> >>>on your machine.  The problem is that it tries to create them in the
> >>>Start Menu for "All Users" without checking whether the current user can
> >>>write to it.  I'm not quite sure why it hangs for you, but you can try
> >>>runnning that script manually via "bash -x" and seeing where it hangs.
> >>>If you do investigate, please post your findings to the cygwin-xfree
> >>>list.  If you don't want to bother, simply do not install the
> >>>XFree86-bin-icons package (all it does is provide the Start Menu icons
> >>>-- not essential).
> >>>        Igor
> >>>P.S. Note to setup developers (myself included -- just want to get this
> >>>into the archives for now): even though postinstall scripts are not
> >>>interactive, their output *is* logged, so they should print something
> >>>that tracks their progress (maybe even be run with the -x flag, but
> >>>that's probably overkill).  We should put some words to that effect on
> >>>the setup.html page.
> >>
> >>Thanks but I have a few issues also.
> >>1 I do not know how to manually run this with the -x flag what are the
> >>steps, and where do I get the package?
> >
> >
> > This wasn't a note for you, it was for setup developers.  FWIW, you can
> > run the script using "sh -x /etc/postinstall/XFree86-bin-icons.sh".
> >
> >
> >>2 setup.exe will not let me UN-CHOOSE this option I have run this in
> >>skip uninstall I have selected the package and removed the checkbox and
> >>SETUP.EXE still hangs on XFree86-bin-icons. Since setup has uninstalled
> >>everything and I can not get past XFree86-bin-icons, cygwin wont run. IF
> >>I try to mess around I may be able to get the basic cygwin to run.
> >>
> >>HELP
> >>Thank
> >>Mark Anderson
> >
> >
> > I don't understand what you're trying to say here.  You should be able to
> > simply unselect the package from the list of currently installed ones
> > using setup.  If you still have trouble, simply erase
> > /etc/postinstall/XFree86-bin-icons.sh (you can even do it using Windows
> > Explorer), and don't reinstall the XFree86-bin-icons package.
> >       Igor

      |\      _,,,---,,_                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'           Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
    '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL     a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

"I have since come to realize that being between your mentor and his route
to the bathroom is a major career booster."  -- Patrick Naughton

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