
I have suggested to the original poster to follow up on cygwin-xfree;
apparently he never did.

You can ignore the "No package" message -- when I inserted the postinstall
progress page into setup, setup tried to keep track of the postinstall
scripts in the newly installed packages, and run them first, and then run
all the scripts that were left in /etc/postinstall (with the "No package"
designation, indicating that they didn't belong to any package).
Apparently, something went wrong with the tracking code, and all the
scripts were discovered only when browsing the /etc/postinstall
directory (alternatively, my code could be looking in the wrong place for
the associated package name).  Either way, I haven't had the time to
investigate it, and it seems harmless enough for now to not be at the top
of my TODO list.  Hope this explains it adequately.

If you want to track what's going on in the hanging script in more detail,
change the #! line at the top of the script to "bash -x" (or "sh -x").
Then look at /var/log/setup.log.full for the script output.  Similarly for
the preremove script.

On Mon, 29 Sep 2003, Harold L Hunt II wrote:

> [Discussion on this issue is now taking place where it should have in
> the first place: cygwin-xfree.  Please follow the cygwin-xfree mailing
> list for further posts.]
> Igor,
> Okay, that explains why I couldn't find the message in cygwin-xfree.  I
> really wish someone would have redirected the question over here... I
> never saw it.
>  > FWIW, you can force the order of execution of the XFree86-bin-icons.sh
>  > postinstall script by making the package dependent on XFree86-bin and
>  > others, but that would most likely defeat the purpose of the package.
> Thanks.  I actually did that just now, right before you suggested it.
> However, I didn't know that it would force the order of post-install
> script execution; that is a nice side-effect.  The bin-icons package
> should logically depend on the bin package.  People can manually
> unselect it if they want to.
> >>>>>The XFree86-bin-icons package is buggy.  It's basically a postinstall
> >>>>>script that tries to create icons for the X programs that are installed
> >>>>>on your machine.  The problem is that it tries to create them in the
> >>>>>Start Menu for "All Users" without checking whether the current user can
> >>>>>write to it.
> That's not entirely true.  For example, my account has Administrator
> priveleges on my machine, the script runs fine when I launch it from a
> bash prompt; so file permissions are not an issue.
> >>>>>I'm not quite sure why it hangs for you, but you can try
> >>>>>runnning that script manually via "bash -x" and seeing where it hangs.
> It doesn't hang when you do this.
> Something strange is going on here... setup.exe says "Running: No
> Package /etc/postinstal/XFree86-bin-icons".  What is up with the "No
> Package"?  Is that indicating the real problem?
> Another thing is that an Uninstall of XFree86-bin-icons also hangs when
> it tries to run the preremove script.  Yet, running the preremove script
> by hand never causes any problems (e.g. bash -x
> /etc/preremove/XFree86-bin-icons.sh).
> What gives?
> Harold

      |\      _,,,---,,_                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'           Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
    '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL     a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

"I have since come to realize that being between your mentor and his route
to the bathroom is a major career booster."  -- Patrick Naughton

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