

From: Harold L Hunt II <huntharo at msu dot edu>:

DDD can work with LessTif, but you have to tell it that you want it to be compile for LessTif, and you may have to find a better distribution of the source than you have now (one with more recent patches for the LessTif support). The following are useful (I googled for "DDD LessTif"):


Interesting link, but problem still there. ;-((
I don't understand why DDD wants Motif 2.1, althouht its configuration
is reporting "GNU/LessTif Version 2.1 Release 0.93.91" ?
Some details follow:

The idea is that you have to tell ddd to use LessTif at *compile time*, not at run time. You did a recompile using whatever option it is that you need to do this, right?


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