On Mon, 29 Dec 2003, Harold L Hunt II wrote:

> The FAQ still needs some work.  Probably everything in the Contributing 
> section can be dropped and replaced with a single redirection to the 
> Contributor's Guide.  The Usage, Troubleshooting, and Error and Warning 
> Messages sections should probably have all of their items thrown 
> together, then resorted into more meangingful categories like: Remote 
> Clients via SSH, Remote Clients via Telnet, XDMCP Problems, Non-U.S. 
> Configuration and Troubleshooting, Font Problems and Troubleshooting, 
> etc.  Let me know if you are interested :)

The reordering of the Configuration, Usage and Troubleshooting sections 
is a good idea. But the section Errormessages should stay. Maybe with 
some entries (eg 6.16) sorted into the other sections.

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