Alexander Gottwald wrote:
On Mon, 29 Dec 2003, Harold L Hunt II wrote:

The FAQ still needs some work. Probably everything in the Contributing section can be dropped and replaced with a single redirection to the Contributor's Guide. The Usage, Troubleshooting, and Error and Warning Messages sections should probably have all of their items thrown together, then resorted into more meangingful categories like: Remote Clients via SSH, Remote Clients via Telnet, XDMCP Problems, Non-U.S. Configuration and Troubleshooting, Font Problems and Troubleshooting, etc. Let me know if you are interested :)

The reordering of the Configuration, Usage and Troubleshooting sections is a good idea. But the section Errormessages should stay. Maybe with some entries (eg 6.16) sorted into the other sections.


I'll be out of town until Saturday or Sunday and will probably not be able to work on anything until then.



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