On Fri, Jan 02, 2004 at 06:27:42PM +0100, Alexander Gottwald wrote:
> On Fri, 2 Jan 2004, Chris Green wrote:
> > The "start /B xhost" and the "start /B xwinclip" both fail
> > because they haven't got permission to access display
> > 
> > How on earth can one set this permission if xhost can't be run?
> create a file /etc/X0.hosts and add all hosts which should have access
> to the xserver.
Ah, now that seems a good idea, thanks!

> > The xterm one is running in has permission to display so why can't
> > xhost and xwinterm display there too?
> Which xterm? The one from linux has permission because you started it 
> from the xdm session. The one from windows has no permission because
> someone might have logged on the the windows host and started it from
> there. This is a simple security issue.
The xterm that one runs by clicking on the cygwin icon, the standard
cygwin (not cygwin/X) terminal window.  It's there that I'm trying to
start my session from (well, actually it's a batch file, but I'm
running it from that window).


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