On Fri, Jan 02, 2004 at 09:13:26PM +0100, Alexander Gottwald wrote:
> Chris Green wrote:
> > > Same with the gates of a castle. To get in, you must open it from inside.
> > > This is the main principle of security. You can not allow those who have
> > > no access to change the permissions.
> > >
> > ... but I am "within the castle", I'm sitting running a script on the
> > win2k system
> The win2k system and xwin are two different systems.
Not in this situation, they're both running on a machine to which I
have administrator and root (if you want to call it that) access.
Thus in reality I have access to *everything* that's going on in the
machine.  Whatever 'security' X wants to put in my way I can (if I'm a
reasonably capable programmer) circumvent.

> The first may be used by more than one person and the second must only be
> used by you.
Why must xwin only be used by me?

> Just imagine someone wants to steal a password from you and starts a client
> which registers all keystrokes entered in a xterm. This program can be started
> from a linux box or from the win2k system itself. The X11 security model tries
> to prevent this by not allowing any connection that is not started by you.
But the connection from which I wanted to run xwinclip *was* run by

> > and I can't see how to run xwinclip there because it
> > won't give me permission to display on the terminal that I'm already
> > using.
> If you've lost your key you'll be able to leave your house but are not able
> to enter it again. These are two different situations and the design is good
> but you have a problem if you've lost your key.
Not round here, no need to lock houses, it makes life *much* simpler
to live.  Security is a huge waste of human resources with very few
advantages or uses.


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