On Fri, Jan 02, 2004 at 06:50:53PM -0500, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
> On Fri, 2 Jan 2004, Chris Green wrote:
> > On Fri, Jan 02, 2004 at 08:33:41PM +0100, Alexander Gottwald wrote:
> > > Chris Green wrote:
> > >
> > > > The xterm that one runs by clicking on the cygwin icon, the standard
> > > > cygwin (not cygwin/X) terminal window.
> > >
> > > This is not xterm. This is just a windows console with bash.
> > >
> > Yes, I've since realised that, not obvious initially.
> Umm, if I were an xterm, I'd resent that... :-)

:-) too!

I'm actually an rxvt fan myself, it's my standard terminal window
on all the systems I use (both Linux at home and Sun Sparc at work).
I can never get on with the xterm scrollbars.


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