Dear Harold and others:

lesstif is the stock version. Also, I reinstalled all my Cygwin earlier

$cygcheck -c lesstif
Package Version Status
lesstif 0.93.91-5       OK

Comparing the backtrace from this problem and the other problem, it
really looks like the same bug to me. Can the 'stock' lesstif be updated
to 0.93.94? I thought I had seen the last of that bug a couple of months
ago :~O

-- Robert

**** backtrace from this problem *****
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x10032103 in cygX11-6!XGetGCValues () from /usr/X11R6/bin/cygX11-6.dll
(gdb) bt
#0  0x10032103 in cygX11-6!XGetGCValues () from
#1  0x00773946 in cygXm-2!_XmArrowBG_TraitAddCallback ()
   from /usr/X11R6/bin/cygXm-2.dll
#2  0x009f5ecc in cygXt-6!XtSetSensitive () from

***** backtrace from previous problem in November 2003 ****
> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x402f1319 in
                         > XGetGCValues () from
/usr/X11R6/lib/ Current language: 
                         > auto; currently c
                         > (gdb) bt
                         > #0 0x402f1319 in XGetGCValues () from
/usr/X11R6/lib/ #1 
                         > 0x400d02f7 in set_values (old=0xbfffe8e0,

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Harold L Hunt II
Sent: 15 January 2004 19:54
Subject: Re: Grace (xmgrace) 5.1.12-1 graph program -- building under
cygwin -- possibly LessTif bug from 0.93.91 ?


Please send in the results of "cygcheck -c lesstif" and report on 
whether you have built lesstif yourself or if you are using the stock 
lesstif package for Cygwin.

I get the following output (which is the latest version):

$ cygcheck -c lesstif
Cygwin Package Information
Package              Version        Status
lesstif              0.93.91-5      OK


Atwood, Robert C wrote:

> Dear  Cygwin-xfree people :
> I am trying to compile xmgrace with a few of my own (very minor) 
> modifications and to run under Cygwin. I have already compiled it 
> successfully on a Linux machine. However, I could not get it to run on

> Cygwin.
> So , I tried the basic source without my modifications -- even then, 
> the executable I compile under Cygwin gives a SIGSYS (Signal 6) when 
> trying to open certain (but not all) dialog boxes. The binary 
> installed from Cygwin setup does not give this problem. This is the 
> Grace-5.1.12 version.
> I had a similar problem with ddd on Linux using LessTif 0.93.91, and 
> Danny fixed the problem in November. Is it possible that the same bug 
> is causing this? Can the default LessTif be upgraded (or downgraded? )

> The bug was #849599 and was fixed in version 0.93.94 (see LessTif bug 
> database and forwarded reply below)
> However, if this were the problem, I still don't see why the 
> downloaded binary should work but the compiled binary should not? They

> use shared libraries for LessTif, don't they?
> I used the following procedure:
> 1. use Cygwin setup to obtain the source archives
> 2. ./ prep
> 3. cd grace-5.5.12
> 4. ./configure
> 5. make
> 6. make tests
> during tests, opening the dialog boxes causes the fault
> 7. make install
> 8. make links
> 9. /usr/local/bin/xmgrace
> the same fault occurs.
> Here is some relevant information:
> Host: CYGWIN_NT-5.1 2003-09-20 16:31 1.5.5(0.94/3/2) i686
> Time: Thu Jan 15 18:18:44 2004
> GUI toolkit @(#)GNU/LessTif Version 2.1 Release 0.93.91
> Xbae version: 4007
> T1lib: 1.2.1p1-grace
> libpng:1.2.5
> libjpeg:62
> gcc 3.3.1 (cygming special)
> Thanks
> Robert Atwood
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Danny Backx [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 30 November 2003 09:22
> Subject: RE: Segfault when a gnuplot graph is closed?
> I've just released LessTif 0.93.94 to fix this bug.
> Download at
>       Danny

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