Thanks for the info. I am guessing that these stages are all rolled into
{package}.sh all 

Is my problem something else entirely??? I think perhaps it is. 

The problem is:  when I configure Grace it exits on 

Error: M*tif has not been found.

Looking at config.log, there are several 'undefined reference' errors
from libXm.a that seem to have something to do with fonts eg.


So it IS fiding libXm.a, but not certain other libraries needed by this
library. I am guessing that Xft* functions are in libXft,
I have cygXft-[12].dll and libXft-[12].dll.a located in
/usr/X11R6/[bin,lib] , but no *.a version of these librarys, is this the

problem? How can configure locate/use these correctly? 


You build lesstif as follows:

1) cd /usr/src

2) ./ prep

3) ./ conf > conf.log 2>&1

4) ./ build > build.log 2>&1

5) ./ install > install.log 2>&1

6) ./ strip

7) ./ pkg

8) ./ spkg

You will then have a new lesstif package that you can install by 
creating a new setup.ini file.  You'll have to ask or search for help on

that.  You will need some scripts called "upset" to do this.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Harold L Hunt II
Sent: 16 January 2004 17:59
Subject: Re: Grace (xmgrace) 5.1.12-1 graph program -- building under
cygwin -- possibly LessTif bug from 0.93.91 ?

Oh, and your line to install manually via tar is missing a "-C /":

tar xjf -C / lesstif-0.93.91-6.tar.bz2

I think that will tell it to extract in the root of your Cygwin 
installation so the files will go to the correct place.


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