On Wed, 12 May 2004, Alexander Gottwald wrote:

> On Wed, 12 May 2004, aroushdi wrote:
> > I am a little bit confused I see here that we have moved to Xorg
> > distribution . I took a look at XFree.org and it seems they have
> > Binaries for Cygwin till 4.4 .
> These binaries are likely to be very outdated. We moved to X.org because
> it was easier for Cygwin/X developers to get cvs access there. XFree
> only allowed cvs access for a few people from the core team. We had
> to ask them to include the changes into their cvs. As a result the
> XFree cvs was always a few weeks up to some months behind the Cygwin/X
> development.
> The cygwin part from XFree may now be about 7 or 8 months old. Many

Before saying "may be", it is proper to verify your statements.
The 4.4 binaries are no older than the end of December.

Thomas E. Dickey

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