You definitely shed some light on the subject but I'm having the
same problem:
Everytime I start xcompmgr, my XWin server crashes. 
xcompmgr-1.1.1 compiled quite nicely under cygwin and I changed
startxwin.bat to take out the -multiwindow option from XWin and
ran it with -rootless.  Then I started twm window manager and my
mrxvt terminal but when I run xcompmgr, it all comes to a
crashing halt.

I prefer linux, which is why I'm persistently trying to make my
Windows XP machine act as much like Linux as possible.

Hasn't anyone been able to get translucent terminals working
under Cygwin?

Thanks again,

--- Michael Denk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Ron!
> On Sun, 31 Jul 2005, Ron Geis wrote:
> > Thank you for replying.  Excuse me replying directly to you,
> but I
> > couldn't figure out how to post a reply on the mailing list!
>  No problem. If your mail client isnt't able to reply to the
> Reply-To
> address instead of the From Address, you can manually change
> the
> recepient's address to cygwin-xfree@cygwin.com thus replying
> to the
> mailing list.
> > Are you running cygwin/mrxvt on Windows XP?
>  Yes, I am.
> > Did you simply run ./configure --enable-everything before
> compiling
> > mrxvt?  Or, was there anything else you had to do during
> build?
>  I followed the steps as shown on this page:
> http://www-cdf.fnal.gov/~cplager/cygwin.html#mrxvt So yes.
> > The FAQ file in the mrxvt download says you need to run
> xcompmgr... When
> > I set mrxvt*transparent: true in either .mrxvtrc or
> .Xdefaults, all I
> > get is a terminal with a rough, grey, opaque background. 
> What am a
> > doing wrong?
>  Ah, I see. When replying to your posting on the mailing list
> I must have
> overread the subject. I supposed you only wanted to get
> transparency, not
> translucency.
>  What happens when you enable transparency is that the mrxvt
> windows
> inherit the background from your X server. If you run Cygwin/X
> in
> multiwindow mode and haven't done anything to change the
> background, you
> should get some greyish background as you mentioned. You can
> change the
> background with xsetroot or xsetbg though I think the latter
> isn't part of
> Cygwin/X.
>  I'm running Cygwin/X in rootless mode and have my windows
> managed by
> openbox. My mrxvt window gets the background as set in my
> openbox
> configuration.
>  Now that I know what you ment I tried to get translucency
> working in
> order to get alpha channel transparency. Cygwin/X isn't
> configured by a
> XF86Config or xorg.conf anymore. All the things normally found
> in this
> files are only available as command line options for XWin.exe.
> To enable
> the Composite extension necessary for the translucency feature
> you have to
> add "+extension Composite" to your XWin start command either
> in
> startxwin.bat when starting from Windows or in one of the
> files that does
> fire up X when you use startx from within Cygwin.
>  I tried this, compiled xcompmgr-1.1.1 from
> http://freedesktop.org/xapps/release/ without any problems and
> could start
> it successfully. But as soon as i started an X application my
> X server
> crashed. :( I'm not that into this translucency thing. Perhaps
> I did
> something wrong or maybe Cygwin/X needs a special version of
> xcompmgr, I
> don't know.
>  Please post to the mailing list if you have any success in
> getting this
> working.
> Have fun
> Michael
> -- 
> Michael Denk                     Fakultät für Mathematik und
> Informatik
> Tel. +49 (0851) 509-3136         Universität Passau, Raum K08
> IM (Aquarium)
> denk at fmi.uni-passau.de       
> http://www.fmi.uni-passau.de/~denk

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