
I use the latest version of cygwin/X (updated yesterday) to connect to a Solaris 10 box. Certain keys like page up and page down don't work for any programs besides xemacs, but when I run SunStudio 11 (a Java app) I lose everyting except alphanumerics and punctuation. This makes it virtually impossible to use the program.

I've narrowed the problem down to trusted X connections: given hosts cygwin.box and solaris.box, the bug appears if you use a direct connection:
cygwin.box $ xhost solaris.box
solaris.box $ DISPLAY=cygwin.box:0.0 sunstudio &
or a trusted X connection over ssh:
cygwin.box $ ssh -fY solaris.box sunstudio
Using an untrusted connection instead fixes the problem, but I give up all clipboard integration (which requires -Y):
cygwin.box $ ssh -fX solaris.box sunstudio
*sigh* at least trying to use the clipboard in Java doesn't make it crash with a "BadAtom" error like all the x-apps do. Has anyone else seen this issue? It seems similar to a couple of messages about eclipse from April 2005, but those had no resolution.

Ryan Johnson

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