On Sat, 7 Feb 2009, teddybouch wrote:

I am trying to automate a simulation process, and part of this involves
capturing the output that is written to an xterm window when a particular
process is run. I thought that I had this figured out using the following

../run 1 Joiner default > results.dat

fwiw, this isn't specific to X...

"run" is the program that I am running and want to catch the output of. 1,
"Joiner," and "default" are parameters needed by that program. "results.dat"
is the file that I want the output written to. It was working alright, but
then I realized that it wasn't getting all the output that ought to be
there. Now, it has progressed to the point that I'm not getting any of the
printout statements at all - they don't appear in the xterm window or in the

Perhaps you're looking for the messages written to stderr.
For that you need to redirect stderr as well, e.g.,

../run 1 Joiner default 2>&1 > results.dat

Thomas E. Dickey

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