teddybouch wrote:
Sorry, I'm not entirely sure I understood all that, but I wanted to give an
update. I wrote a script and ran over 250 tests over last night using this

./run 1 Joiner default 2>&1 | tee 2_7_09_results.dat

Only one of these tests gave output. Mark, if I understand you correctly,
the "| tee" should be at the end? I will try that today.
A few more details about the system, in case any of them matter. All of this
is running on a MacBook Pro that is running Windows XP in Bootcamp. What the
run program does is actually start up a few different processes, one of
which I wrote, to control a robot in a simulation package. The program that
I wrote has  bunch of printout statements that I need to see to debug why it
isn't working and to take data once it is. I should mention that what I have
been doing is completely closing out XWin after every run and re-opening it.
I'm not sure if this will cause problems, and since it was test #67 that
gave results last night, I don't think that would be the problem, but I'm
going to try just closing bash and xterm between runs today.

If you really want to prove this is an xterm issue (which seems unlikely to me as this really revolves about what bash is doing), you should compare the behaviour between running the command under an xterm and running it under some other terminal emulator (e.g. the 'cygwin bash shell' menu shortcut which starts bash inside the native 'DOS window')

It was working alright, but
then I realized that it wasn't getting all the output that ought to be
there. Now, it has progressed to the point that I'm not getting any of the
printout statements at all - they don't appear in the xterm window or in the

It sounds like your output is gradually getting less and less. But you don't really say what's changing here: the scripts you are running, the environment you are running them in, or just the output?

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