Jon TURNEY <> was heard to say:

So far it seems that (1) emacs takes a long time to start up (2) xterm starts up quickly. Are there other X applications that you use and how do they behave?

I've followed this thread with interest, but so far I thought I'm not affected. I usually start emacs along with the xserver by typing "startxwin /usr/bin/emacs" in the MinTTY console. This works without problems. Also, starting Emacs from the right-click menu of the X server in the system tray works fine. However, I've never noticed that starting emacs from MinTTY into a running X session actually takes quite some time. That is, I can confirm this part of the OP's problem.

What I cannot confirm is that xterm works ok. xterm runs ok from the X server right-click menu. It shows the same start-up delay when started from MinTTY as emacs. Interesting, but not necessarily related to the problem is the fact that in both cases different bash startup files seem to be evaluated. When starting from MinTTY (and waiting...), I get my customized bash prompt, whereas I get a default "bash-3.2$" prompt when starting from the right-click menu.

BTW I don't have a ~/.fontconfig directory or an ~/Xdefaults file, so these are probably not related to the problem.

I used strace to see where xterm spends its start-up time, see the output below. I get several pages of the block of lines shown below. Each block takes a couple of seconds to finish, so this is where most of the time is wasted. Does this help to find out what's happening?


51 65525456 [main] xterm 3332 fhandler_base::open_fs: 1 = fhandler_disk_file::open (\??\C:\Programme\cygwin-1.7\var\run\utmp, 0x10002)
   58 65525514 [main] xterm 3332 open: 4 = open (/var/run/utmp, 0x10002)

<start block>
58 65525572 [main] xterm 3332 readv: readv (4, 0x22BCF4, 1) blocking, sigcatchers 0
 1137 65526709 [main] xterm 3332 readv: no need to call ready_for_read
74 65526783 [main] xterm 3332 fhandler_base::read: returning 308, binary mode
   35 65526818 [main] xterm 3332 readv: 308 = readv (4, 0x22BCF4, 1), errno 0
</end block>

Markus Hoenicka
AQ score 38

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