On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 17:55, Markus Hoenicka
<markus.hoeni...@mhoenicka.de> wrote:
> Jon TURNEY <jon.tur...@dronecode.org.uk> was heard to say:
>> So far it seems that (1) emacs takes a long time to start up (2) xterm
>> starts up quickly.  Are there other X applications that you use and how do
>> they behave?
> I've followed this thread with interest, but so far I thought I'm not
> affected. I usually start emacs along with the xserver by typing "startxwin
> /usr/bin/emacs" in the MinTTY console. This works without problems. Also,
> starting Emacs from the right-click menu of the X server in the system tray
> works fine. However, I've never noticed that starting emacs from MinTTY into
> a running X session actually takes quite some time. That is, I can confirm
> this part of the OP's problem.

I bring up X (along with the first xterm window) by using this
Windows-XP shortcut:

C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe /usr/bin/bash.exe -l -c "/usr/bin/startxwin.exe
-- -nolock"

After, I do everything through said xterm window.

Opening emacs by right clicking the X tray icon produces similar
results to doing so through the command line: it takes a very long


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